Kamis, 10 Januari 2013

udang saus tiram

  • 500 gram udang, bersihkan dengan dikupas kulitnya, kemudian belah punggungnya
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1/2 sdt merica bubuk
  • 4 sdm mentega/margarin
  • 5 siung bawang putih, cincang halus
  • 1 buah bawang bombay, iris tipis
  • 6 sdm saus tiram
  • 4 sdm kecap manis
  • 2 sdm kecap asin
  • 3 sdm minyak wijen
  • 50 cc air
Cara membuat

  • Pertama, lumuri udang dengan garam dan merica bubuk sampai rata, diamkan kurang lebih selama 15 menit, kemudian goreng dalam minyak banyak dan panas sampai matang dan kering, angkat, lalu tiriskan dan sisihkan.
  • Panaskan margarin, kemudian masukkan bawang putih dan bawang bombay, tumis sampai harum.
  • Masukkan saus tiram, kecap manis, kecap asin, minyak wijen, dan air, sampai rata, masak sampai mendidih, kemudian masukkan udang tadi, aduk rata, angkat dan terakhir sajikan

udang asam manis

250 g udang jerbung, sisakan ekor, belah melebar
1/2 sdt air jeruk nipis
1/2 sdt garam
1/4 sdt merica bubuk
minyak untuk menggoreng
Bahan pencelup:
2 butir telur, kocok lepas
60 g tepung panir kasar
Bahan saus:
1 siung bawang putih, memarkan
1/4 buah bawang bombai, potong memanjang
1 buah cabai hijau besar, buang bijinya, potong 1 cm
1 buah cabai merah besar, buang bijinya, potong 1 cm
50 g nanas, potong dadu kecil
1/2 sdm kecap ikan
2 sdm saus tomat
1/4 sdt garam
2 sdt gula pasir
250 ml air
1 sdm tepung kanji, larutkan dengan sedikit air
1 batang daun bawang, iris serong
1 sdt minyak wijen
1/2 buah jeruk nipis, ambil airnya
minyak untuk menumis
50 g kacang mete goreng, belah dua untuk taburan

Cara membuat:
1. Campur udang dengan air jeruk nipis, garam, dan merica bubuk. Diamkan selama 15 menit.
2. Celup udang ke dalam telur. Gulingkan dalam tepung panir kasar. Goreng dalam minyak panas hingga matang. Angkat, tiriskan, sisihkan.
3. Saus: Panaskan minyak, tumis bawang putih dan bawang bombai hingga harum. Tambahkan cabai hijau besar, cabai merah besar, dan nanas. Aduk hingga layu.
4. Masukkan kecap ikan, saus tomat, garam, dan gula pasir. Aduk rata, tuang air, didihkan. Masukkan larutan tepung kanji, masak hingga mengental.
5. Tambahkan daun bawang, minyak wijen, dan air jeruk nipis. Aduk rata.
6. Tata udang goreng di piring saji, siram dengan saus dan taburi dengan kacang mete goreng.

sop iga

Resep Bahan Sop Iga :
  • iga 1 kg, bersihkan dan potong-potong
  • air secukupnya
  • wortel 100 gram, kupas, potong sesuai selera, rebus
  • kentang 100 gram, kupas, potong sesuai selera, rebus
  • bunga kol 100 gram, potong perkuntum, rebus
  • tomat 50 gram, potong dadu kecil
  • bawang daun 30 gram iris tipis
Resep Bumbu Sop Iga :
  • seledri 10 gram, iris tipis
  • bawang merah 15 gram, iris tipis
  • bawang putih 25 gram, iris tipis
  • bawang bombay 15 gram, iris tipis
  • garam 50 gram
  • kaldu ayam bubuk 2 sendok teh
  • merica bubuk 15 gram
  • pala 10 gram
  • gula pasir 10 gram
Cara Membuat Sop Iga :
  1. Panaskan air hingga mendidih.
  2. Masukkan iga, rebus hingga iga lunak.
  3. Secara terpisah, didihkan air hingga mendidih. Masukkan semua bumbu, didihkan.
  4. Tambahkan iga beserta kaldunya, masak hingga bumbu meresap dan kuah menyusut.
  5. Atur sayur dalam mangkuk saji, tambahkan iga beserta kuahnya. Sajikan dengan tomat dan bawang daun.

sop buah

Sajian yang terbuat dari buah-buahan selalu menyegarkan. Seperti sop buah yang tampak segar ini memang pas untuk disajikan saat cuaca panas.

Bahan-bahan/bumbu-bumbu :

200 gram belewah, dikeruk lebar
200 gram melon, dikeruk lebar
8 buah stroberi, dipotong empat bagian
8 buah anggur, dipotong dua bagian dan dibuang bijinya
100 gram sirsak, dibuang bijinya
1 buah naga, potong kotak
1 buah alpukat, dikeruk

Bahan Sirup:
250 gram gula pasir
300 ml air
1/8 sendok teh pasta vanili
4 tetes pewarna merah cabai

Bahan Pelengkap:
500 gram es serut
5 sendok makan susu kental manis putih

Cara membuat:
  1. Sirup, rebus gula pasir, pasta vanili, dan pewarna merah cabai sampai gula larut di atas api kecil. Dinginkan.
  2. Sajikan buah disiram dengan sirup dan pelengkapnya

sop konro

Sup Konro adalah masakan sup iga sapi khas Indonesia yang berasal dari tradisi Bugis dan Makassar. Sup ini biasanya dibuat dengan bahan iga sapi atau daging sapi. Masakan berkuah warna coklat kehitaman ini biasa dimakan dengan ketupat kecil yang dipotong-potong terlebih dahulu. Warna gelap ini berasal dari buah kluwek yang memang berwarna hitam. Bumbunya relatif "kuat" akibat digunakannya ketumbar.
Konro aslinya dimasak berkuah dalam bentuk sup yang kaya rempah, akan tetapi kini terdapat variasi kering yang disebut "Konro bakar" yaitu iga sapi bakar dengan bumbu khas konro.

 Sup konro



Rawon atau nasi rawon (karena selalu disajikan dengan nasi) adalah menu berupa sup daging dengan bumbu khas karena mengandung kluwek. Rawon, meskipun dikenal sebagai masakan khas Jawa Timur (seperti Surabaya), dikenal pula oleh masyarakat Jawa Tengah sebelah timur (daerah Surakarta).
Daging untuk rawon umumnya adalah daging sapi yang dipotong kecil-kecil. Bumbu supnya sangat khas Indonesia, yaitu campuran bawang merah, bawang putih, lengkuas (laos), ketumbar, serai, kunir, lombok, kluwek, garam, serta minyak nabati. Semua bahan ini (kecuali serai dan lengkuas) dihaluskan, lalu ditumis sampai harum. Campuran bumbu ini kemudian dimasukkan dalam kaldu rebusan daging bersama-sama dengan daging. Warna gelap khas rawon berasal dari kluwek.
Rawon disajikan bersama nasi, dilengkapi dengan tauge kecil, daun bawang, kerupuk, dan sambal.
Di Daerah Jawa Timur banyak dijumpai penjual Rawon, terutama rawon Pasuruan banyak yang terkenal. Di Jakarta bisa ditemukan di Restoran Pondok Prapanca Jalan Nipah XV no.3 Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan (Jalan turunan sebelum Kantor Walikota Jakarta Selatan).


Ramen (ラーメン rāmen?, IPA: [ɽaːmeɴ]) is a Japanese noodle dish. It consists of Chinese-style wheat noodles served in a meat- or (occasionally) fish-based broth, often flavored with soy sauce or miso, and uses toppings such as sliced pork (チャーシュー chāshū?), dried seaweed (海苔 nori?), kamaboko, green onions, and occasionally corn. Almost every locality in Japan has its own variation of ramen, from the tonkotsu (pork bone broth) ramen of Kyushu to the miso ramen of Hokkaido.


Ramen is of Chinese origin; however, it is unclear when ramen was introduced to Japan. The etymology of ramen is a topic of debate. One theory is that ramen is the Japanese pronunciation of the Chinese lamian (拉麺),[3] meaning "hand-pulled noodles." A second theory proposes 老麺 (laomian, "old noodles") as the original form, while another states that ramen was initially 鹵麺 (lǔmiàn), noodles cooked in a thick, starchy sauce. A fourth theory is that the word derives from 撈麵 (lāomiàn, "lo mein"), which in Cantonese 撈 means to "stir", and the name refers to the method of preparation by stirring the noodles with a sauce.
Until the 1950s, ramen was called shina soba (支那そば, literally "Chinese soba") but today chūka soba (中華そば, also meaning "Chinese soba") or just Ramen (ラーメン) are more common, as the word "支那" (shina, meaning "China") acquired a pejorative connotation.[4]
By 1900, restaurants serving Chinese cuisine from Canton and Shanghai offered a simple ramen dish of noodles (cut rather than hand pulled), a few toppings, and a broth flavored with salt and pork bones. Many Chinese also pulled portable food stalls, selling ramen and gyōza dumplings to workers. By the mid 1900s, these stalls used a type of a musical horn called a charumera (チャルメラ, from the Portuguese charamela) to advertise their presence, a practice some vendors still retain via a loudspeaker and a looped recording. By the early Shōwa period, ramen had become a popular dish when eating out.
After World War II, cheap flour imported from the U.S. swept the Japanese market. At the same time, millions of Japanese troops had returned from China and continental East Asia from their posts in the Second Sino-Japanese War. Many of these returnees had become familiar with Chinese cuisine and subsequently set up Chinese restaurants across Japan. Eating ramen, while popular, was still a special occasion that required going out.
In 1958, instant noodles were invented by Momofuku Ando, the Taiwanese-Japanese founder and chairman of Nissin Foods, now run by his son Koki Ando. Named the greatest Japanese invention of the 20th century in a Japanese poll,[5] instant ramen allowed anyone to make this dish simply by adding boiling water.
Beginning in the 1980s, ramen became a Japanese cultural icon and was studied around the world from many perspectives. At the same time, local varieties of ramen were hitting the national market and could even be ordered by their regional names. A ramen museum opened in Yokohama in 1994.[6]


A wide variety of ramen exists in Japan, with geographical and vendor-specific differences even in varieties that share the same name. Ramen can be broadly categorized by its two main ingredients: noodles and broth.


Fresh ramen
Most noodles are made from four basic ingredients: wheat flour, salt, water, and kansui, which is essentially a type of alkaline mineral water, containing sodium carbonate and usually potassium carbonate, as well as sometimes a small amount of phosphoric acid. Originally, kansui was named after the water from Inner Mongolia's Lake Kan which contained large amounts of these minerals and was said to be perfect for making these noodles. Making noodles with kansui lends them a yellowish hue as well as a firm texture. Eggs may also be substituted for kansui. Some noodles are made with neither eggs nor kansui and should only be used for yakisoba.
Ramen comes in various shapes and lengths. It may be fat, thin, or even ribbon-like, as well as straight or wrinkled.


Tonkotsu ramen
Shio ramen
Miso ramen
Ramen soup is generally made from stock based on chicken or pork, combined with a variety of ingredients such as kombu (kelp), katsuobushi (skipjack tuna flakes), niboshi (dried baby sardines), beef bones, shiitake, and onions, and then flavored with salt, miso, or soy sauce. Other styles that have emerged later on include curry ramen and other flavors.
The resulting combination is generally divided into four categories (although new and original variations often make this categorisation less clear-cut):
  • Shio ("salt") ramen is probably the oldest of the four and is a pale, clear, yellowish broth made with plenty of salt and any combination of chicken, vegetables, fish, and seaweed. Occasionally pork bones are also used, but they are not boiled as long as they are for tonkotsu ramen, so the soup remains light and clear. Chāshū is sometimes swapped for lean chicken meatballs, and pickled plums and kamaboko are popular toppings as well. Noodle texture and thickness varies among shio ramen, but they are usually straight rather than curly.
  • Tonkotsu (豚骨, "pork bone"; not to be confused with tonkatsu) ramen usually has a cloudy white colored broth. It is similar to the Chinese baitang (白湯) and has a thick broth made from boiling pork bones, fat, and collagen over high heat for many hours, which suffuses the broth with a hearty pork flavor and a creamy consistency that rivals milk, melted butter or gravy (depending on the shop). Most shops, but not all, blend this pork broth with a small amount of chicken and vegetable stock and/or soy sauce. The noodles are thin and straight, and it is often served with beni shoga (pickled ginger). In recent years the latest trend in tonkotsu toppings is māyu (sesame oil), a blackish, aromatic oil made from either charred crushed garlic or Sesame seeds. It is a specialty of Kyushu, particularly Hakata-ku, Fukuoka (hence sometimes called "Hakata ramen").
  • Shōyu ("soy sauce") ramen typically has a clear brown broth, based on a chicken and vegetable (or sometimes fish or beef) stock with plenty of soy sauce added resulting in a soup that is tangy, salty, and savory yet still fairly light on the palate. Shōyu ramen usually has curly noodles rather than straight ones, but this is not always the case. It is often adorned with marinated bamboo shoots or menma, green onions, kamaboko (fish cakes), nori (seaweed), boiled eggs, bean sprouts and/or black pepper; occasionally the soup will also contain chili oil or Chinese spices, and some shops serve sliced beef instead of the usual chāshū.
  • Miso ramen is a relative newcomer, having reached national prominence around 1965. This uniquely Japanese ramen, which was developed in Hokkaido, features a broth that combines copious amounts of miso and is blended with oily chicken or fish broth – and sometimes with tonkotsu or lard – to create a thick, nutty, slightly sweet and very hearty soup. Miso ramen broth tends to have a robust, tangy flavor, so it stands up to a variety of flavorful toppings: spicy bean paste or tōbanjan (豆瓣醤), butter and corn, leeks, onions, bean sprouts, ground pork, cabbage, sesame seeds, white pepper, and chopped garlic are common. The noodles are typically thick, curly, and slightly chewy.
Seasonings commonly added to ramen are black pepper, butter, chili pepper, sesame seeds, and crushed garlic. Soup recipes and methods of preparation tend to be closely guarded secrets.
Some restaurants also offer a system known as kae-dama (替え玉), where customers who have finished their noodles can request a "refill" (for a few hundred yen more) to be put into their remaining soup.[7]

Regional variations

While standard versions of ramen are available throughout Japan since the Taisho era, the last few decades have shown a proliferation of regional variations. Some of these which have gone on to national prominence are:
Sapporo, the capital of Hokkaido, is especially famous for its ramen. Most people in Japan associate Sapporo with its rich miso ramen, which was invented there and which is ideal for Hokkaido's harsh, snowy winters. Sapporo miso ramen is typically topped with sweetcorn, butter, bean sprouts, finely chopped pork, and garlic, and sometimes local seafood such as scallop, squid, and crab. Hakodate,[8] another city of Hokkaidō, is famous for its salt flavored ramen, while Asahikawa,[9] in the north of the island, offers soy sauce flavored ones.
Kitakata in northern Honshu is known for its rather thick, flat, curly noodles served in a pork-and-niboshi broth. The area within its former city boundaries has the highest per-capita number of ramen establishments. Ramen has such prominence in the region that locally, the word soba usually refers to ramen, and not to actual soba which is referred to as nihon soba ("Japanese soba").
Tokyo style ramen consists of slightly thin, curly noodles served in a soy-flavoured chicken broth. The Tokyo style broth typically has a touch of dashi, as old ramen establishments in Tokyo often originate from soba eateries. Standard toppings on top are chopped scallion, menma, sliced pork, kamaboko, egg, nori, and spinach. Ikebukuro, Ogikubo and Ebisu are three areas in Tokyo known for their ramen.
Yokohama ramen specialty is called Ie-kei (家系). It consists of thick, straight-ish noodles served in a soy flavored pork broth similar to tonkotsu. The standard toppings are roasted pork (char siu), boiled spinach, sheets of nori, often with shredded Welsh onion (negi) and a soft or hard boiled egg. It is traditional for customers to call the softness of the noodles, the richness of the broth and the amount of oil they want.
Hakata ramen originates from Hakata district of Fukuoka city in Kyushu. It has a rich, milky, pork-bone tonkotsu broth and rather thin, non-curly and resilient noodles. Often, distinctive toppings such as crushed garlic, beni shoga (pickled ginger), sesame seeds, and spicy pickled mustard greens (karashi takana) are left on tables for customers to serve themselves. Ramen stalls in Hakata and Tenjin are well-known within Japan. Recent trends have made Hakata ramen one of the most popular types in Japan, and several chain restaurants specializing in Hakata ramen can be found all over the country.
Tokyo-style ramen  
Kitakata ramen  

tuna sashimi

tuna recipes
This is one version of an endless series of variations that is Japanese sashimi, or raw fish. Only use the highest-grade tuna for this recipe -- although you can use any kind of tuna. Sashimi is all about clean flavors and presentation. Lots of fish can be used to make sashimi, but the keys are the dipping sauce, the spicy accompaniment, and the delicately presented vegetable that go with the fish. This recipe serves 4-6 as an appetizer.

Prep Time: 45 minutes

Total Time: 45 minutes


  • 1 lb sushi-grade tuna
  • A 4-inch piece of daikon radish
  • A 2-inch piece of fresh peeled ginger
  • 3 t. sake wine
  • 1 1/2 T. mirin (sweet cooking sake)
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 1 1/2 T. tamari soy sauce
  • 1/2 t. dashi granules


Make the dipping sauce. Now you really only need to use a good soy sauce here, but if you want to taste the kind of soy sauce you'd get at a good sushi bar, here is the recipe. All of the ingredients will be available either at a well-stocked supermarket or a health food store. If you can't find the dashi granules, leave them out.
Add the mirin and the sake to a small pot and bring to a boil. Turn off the heat and add the soy sauce, the tamari sauce and the dashi granules (these are dried bonito flakes). Mix well and let this come to room temperature.
Slice the daikon. Square off the daikon with a very sharp knife, then slice it into very thin sheets either with a mandoline or a knife. How thin? As thin as you can slice them.
Now stack those sheets and slice again into very thin sticks. Toss them all into a bowl of ice water and make sure they're all separated.
Grate the ginger. Use the finest grater you have -- a microplane if you have one -- and grate the ginger, then mound it into little cones. Put a cone of ginger on each plate.
Gently wring out and dry the daikon, then arrange some on each plate.
Slice the tuna. With your sharpest knife, cut the tuna into a block. You want to ultimately cut thin slices against the grain of the meat, so look for that grain as you shape the larger block (use the trim for tuna tartare, recipe below).
Slice the thin strips off the tuna block with your sharpest knife. Do this with one motion; start with the part of the knife's edge closest to the handle and then draw it back toward you in a smooth motion. Do not saw it!
Arrange the fish on the plate over the daikon. Garnish with something green; edible crysanthemum leaves are traditional, but you could use flat-leaf parsley, very finely sliced green onion, finely sliced cucumber, etc.
To eat, mix a little of the ground ginger into the soy sauce, then pick up the fish with chopsticks or a fork. Drag the tuna through the dipping sauce and eat. Eat the daikon in between bites, and finish it with the soy sauce.
It is traditional to drink sake with sashimi. You could also drink a pilsner beer or a crisp white such as a Pinot Grigio or a Chenin Blanc.

sashimi salmon

Sashimi (Japanese: 刺身, pronounced [saɕimiꜜ]; /səˈʃm/) is a Japanese delicacy. It consists of very fresh raw meat or fish, sliced into thin pieces.


The word sashimi means "pierced body", i.e. "刺身 = sashimi, where = sashi (pierced, stuck) and = mi (body, meat). This word dates from the Muromachi period, and was possibly coined when the word "切る = kiru (cut), the culinary step, was considered too inauspicious to be used by anyone other than Samurai. This word may derive from the culinary practice of sticking the fish's tail and fin to the slices in identifying the fish being eaten.
Another possibility for the name could come from the traditional method of harvesting. 'Sashimi Grade' fish is caught by individual handline. As soon as the fish is landed, its brain is pierced with a sharp spike; and it is placed in slurried ice. This spiking is called the Ike jime process. The flesh contains minimal lactic acid because it died instantly so it will keep fresh on ice for about ten days, without turning white or otherwise degrading.
The word sashimi has been integrated into the English language and is often used to refer to other uncooked fish preparations. Many non-Japanese use the terms sashimi and sushi interchangeably, but the two dishes are actually distinct and separate. Sushi refers to any dish made with vinegared rice; and, while raw fish is one traditional sushi ingredient, many sushi dishes contain seafood that has been cooked, and others have no seafood at all.


Sashimi often is the first course in a formal Japanese meal, but it can also be the main course, presented with rice and miso soup in separate bowls. Many Japanese people believe that sashimi, traditionally considered the finest dish in Japanese cuisine, should be eaten before other strong flavors affect the palate. Culinarily, sashimi represents the Japanese cultural appreciation of subtlety. The finer sensation can vary from salmon to squid and everything in between.
The sliced seafood that composes the main ingredient is typically draped over a garnish. The typical garnish is Asian white radish, daikon, shredded into long thin strands, accompanied by one green perilla leaf per slice. Wasabi paste is sometimes mixed directly into soy sauce as a dipping sauce, which is generally not done when eating sushi, however. Purists denounce the practice of mixing wasabi into soy sauce, saying that this dilutes the sharp hot flavor of wasabi. Another way to flavor soy sauce with wasabi is to place the wasabi mound into the soy sauce dish and then pour it in. This allows the wasabi to infuse the soy sauce more subtly. A reputed motivation for serving wasabi with sashimi (and also gari, pickled ginger), besides its flavor, is killing harmful bacteria and parasites that could be present in raw seafood.[1] Other garnishes, more common in Japan than overseas, include red water pepper sprouts beni-tade (紅蓼?) and a small chrysanthemum kogiku (小菊?). The chrysanthemum, unlike other garnishes, is not intended to be eaten, and in cheap service (such as at supermarkets) may be substituted with a plastic flower.
Sashimi is normally served only with a dipping sauce (soy sauce with wasabi paste or such condiments as grated fresh ginger, or, for meat sashime, ponzu), and such garnishes as shiso and shredded daikon radish. Dimensions vary but are typically about 2.5 cm (1") wide by 4 cm (1.5") long by 0.5 cm (0.2") thick

ayam gulai

Kali ini saya mau sedikit berbagi mengenai Resep Gulai Ayam super lezat untuk kalian semua. Resep yang saya peroleh dari situs goodresep.blogspot.com menurut saya patut untuk di coba. Untuk lebih lengkapnya langsung saja baca di bawah ini :

Bahan Gulai Ayam :

  • Ayam sedang, 1 ekor
  • Cabe merah, 10 buah
  • Bawang merah, 10 butir --> diiris-iris
  • Bawang putih, 4 siung bawang putih --> diiris halus
  • Kunyit, 1 ruas
  • Lengkuas, 1 ruas
  • Ketumbar, 4 sendok makan
  • Minyak samin, 5 sendok makan
  • Adas halus, 1 sendok teh
  • Kayu manis, 1 potong
  • Pala, 1 sendok teh
  • Asam jawa, 1 sendok
  • Kelapa gongseng, 2 sendok makan --> dihaluskan
  • Santan, 2 ½ gelas
  • Jinten, sejumput

Cara memasak Gulai Ayam :

  • Ayam dipotong-potong, cuci bersih, tiriskan.
  • Haluskan cabe, kunyit dan lengkuas.
  • Tumis bawang mera, bawang putih dan kayu manis dengan minyak samin sampai kering dan kuning, masukkan cabe dan goreng sebentar.
  • Masukkan ketumbar halus serta potongan ayam, beri air secukupnya, rebus hingga empuk.
  • Masukkan santan dan air asam jawa, aduk.
  • Bila santan mendidih angkat dan siap dihidangkan.
Demikian artikel terbaru megenai Resep Gulai Ayam Lezat semoga bisa kalain jadikan bahan refrensi untuk memasak dan menghasilkan citarasa yang wah.

Senin, 07 Januari 2013

bebek bakar

Femina Resep

  • 1 ekor (900 g) bebek, cuci bersih, potong-potong 6 bagian
  • 2 sdm cuka masak
  • 1 sdt garam
  • 1 L air untuk merebus
  • 2 batang serai, ambil bagian putihnya, memarkan
  • 2 lembar daun salam

Bumbu, haluskan:
  • 10 butir bawang merah
  • 5 siung bawang putih
  • 5 cm jahe
  • 1 1/2 sdt garam
  • 1 sdt merica bubuk

Bumbu oles, aduk rata:
  • 4 sdm kecap manis
  • 4 sdm minyak sayur
  • 2 sdt air jeruk limau

  • Sambal bajak, siap santap
  • Lalapan
  • Nasi putih

Cara membuat:

  1. Lumuri bebek dengan cuka masak dan garam hingga rata. Diamkan selama 1 jam, sisihkan.
  2. Rebus bebek bersama bumbu halus, serai, dan daun salam hingga bebek empuk dan bumbu meresap, angkat. Tiriskan.
  3. Bakar bebek di atas bara api, sambil sesekali diolesi dengan bumbu oles hingga kecokelatan. Angkat.
  4. Sajikan bebek bersama pelengkapnya. (f)

ikan bakar

1 kg ikan
3 siung bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 butir kemiri
1 ons gula merah
1 sendok makan asam diencerkan dengan setengah gelas air
3 sendok makan minyak goreng
Garam secukupnya
Cara membuat:
1. Kalo buat ikan bakar, ikannya tetap mentah.
2. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri dan garam. Setelah halus
masukkan gula merah dan haluskan lagi.
3. Setelah halus masukkan air asam dan minyak goreng.
4. Rendam ikan/ayam dalam bumbu selama 1/2 jam.
5. Setelah itu bakar ikan/ayam tsb sambil dioleskan bumbu sisa rendaman tadi supaya bumbunya tambah meresap.

ayam bakar

1 kg ayam.
3 siung bawang merah
3 siung bawang putih
2 butir kemiri
1 ons gula merah
1 sendok makan asam diencerkan dengan setengah gelas air
3 sendok makan minyak goreng
Garam secukupnya
Cara membuat:
1. Kalo buat ayam bakar, ayamnya harus diungkep dulu pakai bumbu ungkep biasa.
2. Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, kemiri dan garam. Setelah halus masukkan gula merah dan haluskan lagi.
3. Setelah halus masukkan air asam dan minyak goreng.
4. Rendam ikan/ayam dalam bumbu selama 1/2 jam.
5. Setelah itu bakar ikan/ayam tsb sambil dioleskan bumbu sisa rendaman tadi supaya bumbunya tambah meresap.

ayam pop

 ayam pop berasal dari masakan sumtra barat yang rasanya menggugah selera

2 ekor ayam kampung muda, belah empat
3 gelas air kelapa
2 batang serai, memarkan
3 lembar daun jeruk
1 sdt cuka
Minyak goreng secukupnya

Bumbu, haluskan:
6 siung bawang putih
1 ruas jari jahe
Garam secukupnya

Saus sambal:
10 buah cabai merah
5 butir bawang merah
2 buah tomat sayur (tomat buah)
50 ml air
Garam secukupnya
Gula pasir secukupnya

Cara membuat:
Buang kulit ayam, lumuri dengan bumbu halus dan cuka. Diamkan 30 menit dalam lemari es.
Rebus ayam bersama bumbunya dengan air kelapa, serai, daun jeruk hingga matang. Angkat dan tiriskan.
Sebelum disajikan, celupkan ayam dalam minyak goreng panas sebentar.
Saus sambal: Rebus cabai merah, bawang merah, dan tomat hingga layu, haluskan. Panaskan tiga sdm minyak goreng, tumis bumbu halus hingga harum. Tambahkan air, garam, dan gula pasir, rebus hingga mendidih.
Tempatkan ayam pop dalam piring saji, hidangkan dengan sambal dan daun singkong rebus.

soto betawi

Soto Betawi merupakan soto yang populer di daerah Jakarta. Seperti halnya soto Madura dan soto sulung, soto Betawi juga menggunakan jeroan. Selain jeroan, seringkali organ-organ lain juga disertakan, seperti mata, terpedo, dan juga hati.


Istilah soto Betawi hadir dalam kuliner masakan Indonesia sekitar tahun 1977-1978, namun bukan bearti tidak ada soto sebelum tahun tersebut. Yang memopulerkan dan yang pertama memakai kata soto Betawi adalah penjual soto di THR Lokasari / Prinsen Park, tentunya dengan ciri khas cita rasa sendiri.
Banyak penjual soto pada masa tahun-tahun tersebut, biasanya menyebut dengan soto kaki Pak "X" atau sebutan lainnya. Istilah soto Betawi mulai menyebar menjadi istilah umum ketika penjual soto tersebut tutup sekitar tahun 1991.

soto ayam


Soto ayam adalah makanan khas Indonesia yang berupa sejenis sup ayam dengan kuah yang berwarna kekuningan. Warna kuning ini dikarenakan oleh kunyit yang digunakan sebagai bumbu. Soto ayam banyak ditemukan di daerah-daerah di Indonesia dan Singapura. Selain ayam bahan yang digunakan juga meliputi telur rebus, irisan kentang, daun seledri, serta bawang goreng. Terkadang soto juga disajikan dengan lontong atau nasi putih. Selain itu soto ayam juga sering dihidangkan dengan sambal, kerupuk dan koya (campuran tumbukan kerupuk dengan bawang putih).

Jumat, 04 Januari 2013


Barbie is a fashion doll manufactured by the American toy-company Mattel, Inc. and launched in March 1959. American businesswoman Ruth Handler is credited with the creation of the doll using a German doll called Bild Lilli as her inspiration.
Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie has been an important part of the toy fashion doll market for fifty years, and has been the subject of numerous controversies and lawsuits, often involving parody of the doll and her lifestyle.


bugs bunny

Bugs Bunny is a funny animal animated cartoon character, best remembered for his starring roles in the Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series of theatrical shorts produced by Warner Bros. during the Golden Age of American animation.[1] His popularity during this era led to his becoming a corporate mascot of the Warner Bros. company. Bugs is an anthropomorphic gray hare or rabbit and is famous for his flippant, insouciant personality, a pronounced New York accent, his portrayal as a trickster, and his catch phrase "Eh... What's up, doc?" (usually said while chewing a carrot). Bugs has appeared in more films than any other cartoon character and is the ninth most portrayed film personality in the world.[2]
According to his 1990 "autobiography" Bugs Bunny: 50 Years and Only One Grey Hare, Bugs was born on July 27, 1940 in Brooklyn, New York in a warren under Ebbets Field, home of the Brooklyn Dodgers.[3] In reality, he was brought to life by the animators and staff of Leon Schlesinger Productions (later Warner Bros. Cartoons): including Tex Avery, who directed Bugs' debut short A Wild Hare (1940); Robert McKimson, who created Bugs' definitive character design; and Mel Blanc, who originated the voice of Bugs.

 Classic bugsbunny.png

winnie the pooh

Winnie-the-Pooh, also called Pooh Bear, is a fictional anthropomorphic bear created by A. A. Milne. The first collection of stories about the character was the book Winnie-the-Pooh (1926), and this was followed by The House at Pooh Corner (1928). Milne also included a poem about the bear in the children’s verse book When We Were Very Young (1924) and many more in Now We Are Six (1927). All four volumes were illustrated by E. H. Shepard.
(Hyphens in the character's name were dropped by Disney when the company adapted the Pooh stories into a series of features that became one of its most successful franchises.)
The Pooh stories have been translated into many languages, including Alexander Lenard's Latin translation, Winnie ille Pu, which was first published in 1958, and, in 1960, became the only Latin book ever to have been featured on The New York Times Best Seller list.[1]
In popular film adaptations, Pooh Bear has been voiced by actors Sterling Holloway, Hal Smith and Jim Cummings in English, Yevgeny Leonov in Russian, and Shun Yashiro and Sukekiyo Kameyama in Japanese.



 Stitch (Lilo and Stitch).jpg

 Stitch is the name of the genetic experiment 626, a fictional alien, and one of the two main characters of the Lilo & Stitch films and television program, also made into a video game. Originally created to cause chaos across the galaxy, he is marked by his mischievous behavior, traits that endear him to his friend Lilo, who adopted him as her puppy dog. He is voiced by his creator and the film's co-director, Chris Sanders.

As revealed in Lilo & Stitch, Stitch was created by "evil genius" Dr. Jumba Jookiba, who called him "Experiment 626". Both Jumba and Stitch were captured and put on trial by the United Galactic federation.
626 is then sentenced by the Grand Councilwoman to life imprisonment on a desert asteroid and Captain Gantu (who despises him) escorts him. Stitch escapes and crash-lands in Kaua'i, Hawaii. Disguising himself as a dog to hide from his captors, 626 was adopted by a little girl named Lilo, who names him "Stitch".
Stitch is trained by Lilo to be good, using Elvis Presley as a model for his behavior. Lilo's efforts prove to be fruitless at first, as Stitch is unable to suppress his destructive programming. Nevertheless, Lilo enjoys having Stitch as her new "puppy". Although at first he only wanted to use her as a human shield from Jumba and Agent Pleakley, whose mission was to capture him, Stitch slowly develops feelings for Lilo, to the point where he saves her from Gantu. After his heroics, the Grand Councilwoman allows Stitch to serve his exile on Earth with Lilo as his warder, citing her dog adoption certificate (subsequently, Lilo seems to have become not only a best friend but also a sister figure to Stitch).
In Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch (set shortly after the first movie), Stitch is living well and is reasonably well-behaved (although still hot-tempered and mischievous) with the exiled Jumba and Pleakley in Lilo's (and her older sister Nani's) house, until he begins malfunctioning. Since he was not fully charged after his creation, Stitch experiences periodic glitches that have him reverting back to his original destructive programming, appearing to suffer from a "fit" or "seizure". Seeing this, Jumba strives to create a proper charging chamber for Stitch. Not wanting to hurt anyone and not knowing about Jumba's plan, Stitch attempts to leave Earth for a remote planet, while Lilo, Jumba, and the others desperately try to have him return so they can recharge him. Although they are too late when they place him in the recharging pod, Stitch seems to be revived by Lilo's love, in accordance with her belief that love is more powerful than death.
In Stitch! The Movie, 626 discovers the remaining 625 genetic experiments locked in a crate, in the form of dehydrated pods. In order to rescue a kidnapped Jumba a trade between Dr. Jacques von Hämsterviel and Jumba for the experiments is organized, but it instead results in the freedom of the experiments and the capture of Lilo and Stitch. Hämsterviel then tries to clone Stitch but he was rescued by Experiment 221 ("Sparky"). Stitch then rescued Lilo and landed Hämsterviel's spacecraft back in Kaua'i, where the Grand Councilwoman waited to arrest Hämsterviel.
In Lilo and Stitch: The Series, Stitch and Lilo have to capture Jumba's other experiments, turn them from evil to good, and find them a home. Along the way, he meets his match: Experiment 627 who is tougher than him, but whom Stitch eventually defeats with greater intelligence. He also is affected by 15 experiment powers: Amnesio wipes out his memory, Spike makes him goofy, Babyfier turns him into a baby, Spooky turns into water and nearly drowns him, Lax makes him lazy, Dupe duplicates him into four, weakening his strength, Frenchfry serves him un-nutritious meals (along with Lilo and Pleakley) and fattens him up into a giant bowling ball, Yarrp sounds out his loud megaphone, deafening him, Snooty sucks out his Mucus, effectively dehydrating him, Swirly hypnotizes him, Drowsy (in the episode PJ) puts him to sleep, Houdini makes him invisible, Swapper switches him into Lilo`s and Pleakley`s bodies, Bugby turns him into a bug and Slushy freezes him. However, the powers wear off. He also meets Angel (Experiment 624) who is introduced as a love interest for Stitch.
After they have successfully captured all the remaining experiments in Leroy & Stitch, The Grand Councilwoman offered Stitch the chance to become the captain of the Galactic Armada and its new flagship, The BRB (Big Red Battleship) 9000. However, that would require Stitch to be separated from Lilo. Not wanting to make Lilo sad, he chooses to return to Kaua'i but Lilo tells him he should go. Before he leaves with Jumba and Pleakley, Lilo gives him a necklace with a tiki of the god Ku Tiki to give him strength. When Gantu breaks out Dr. Hämsterviel in an action of frustration, Stitch is sent on his first mission to capture the evil rodent once more. But when he arrives at Galactic Defense Industries, Stitch faces off against a new experiment - Leroy, who is an enhanced clone of Stitch. Stitch fights well and is about to beat Leroy when Pleakley shows up unexpectedly, allowing Leroy to take advantage of Stitch's lapse in concentration and beat him. He is placed in a cage and sent with Jumba and Pleakley heading towards a black hole. After they are sent towards the black hole, Leroy heads off towards earth to capture all of the other experiments for Hamsterviel. Later, Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley escape from the black hole, and arrive on the planet Turo. There they rescue Lilo, 625 (now known as Reuben), and Gantu, and fly Pleakley's car pool van back to Earth to assist the other 624 experiments in the defeat of an army of Leroys. Now, with Leroy defeated, Stitch, Jumba and Pleakley return to Earth with Lilo, realizing family is more important than spaceships, laboratories, and prestige.
In the anime series Stitch!, this version of Stitch seems to have reverted to his destructive nature, and is first seen in the first episode being chased in a spaceship by Jumba and the authorities.
The original version (aired in Japan) leaves a plot hole for why Stitch is not with Lilo anymore. For unknown reasons, they wanted to leave this open to the viewers' imagination. However, in the heavily edited English adaption of the anime, it is implied that Stitch is doing this because of emotional trauma, as Jumba tells him, "Just because little girl Lilo, has new boyfriend now and is all washed up with 626 (Stitch) is no reason to act bad," suggesting that the now grown up Lilo has deserted him for a new boyfriend. Despite this, when confronted by Yuna (a Japanese little girl who is the series' equivalent to Lilo) about his family not caring for him, he states "Lilo cares," which implies he still thinks she cares about him. However, Lilo does not appear in any way in the anime, except for Episode 23 of Zutto Saiko no Tomodachi (Season 3), where Lilo, now a fully grown adult with a daughter who looks incredibly like her when she was a child, visits Okinawa in cahoots to reunite with Stitch, where we learn that she still truly loves and cares about him. We also learn the reason why Stitch left her was because she had left for college and she did not visit him on the beach the day she promised him, causing him to believe she had betrayed him. Lilo then explaines to Stitch that the reason why she did not visit him on the day she promised was because Nani became pregnant and she was very busy looking after Nani, by the time she rushed back to visit him he had already left; she discovers this by finding his tiki necklace on the beach, causing her to burst into tears. At the end of the episode just before she boards the plane with her daughter, she and Stitch have a happy reunion, she hugs him soundly, gives him back the tiki necklace which she had kept with her since he left and promises to visit him again soon.

Mie Ayam


Di musim penghujan seperti sekarang ini,memang paling enak makan yang hangat-hangat. Sayangnya, saat hujan di sore hari banyak penjual makanan yang tidak jualan. Nah, tak ada salahnya untuk membuat makanan ala jajanan gerobak seperti mi ayam yang gurih ini di rumah. Ternyata tak sulit kok membuatnya. Selain itu, mi buatan sendiri juga dijamin sehat.

1000 gram tepung terigu protein tinggi
10 gram garam
6-10 gram garam alkali
250 gram tepung tapioka
380 gram air

Minyak ayam:
1000 ml minyak sayur
250 gr kulit atau lemak ayam
10 siung bawang putih,memarkan
1 ruas jahe, memarkan
1/2 sdt lada halus
1/2 sdt ketumbar, haluskan

200 ml air
3 lembar daun bawang, iris
2lembar daun seledri, iris
Tulang ayam, cuci dan memarkan

Tumis ayam:
250 gram daging ayam
2 ruas jahe
10 sdm minyak sayur
1 sdt lada bubuk
1 sdt vetsin
5 sdm kecap asin
1/2 sdt garam
5 sdm kecap manis
3 siung bawang putih
1 gelas air

Sawi putih
toge panjang

Cara membuat:1.
1. Mie: Larutkan garam dapur dan garam alkali dengan air, aduk sampai rata. Kemudian di tempat terpisah, campur semua bahan kering dan tambahkan larutan garam sedikit demi sedikit sambil dikocok. Aduk sampai adonan berbutir-butir. Masukkan adonan dalam alat penipis dan giling sampai ketebalan yang diinginkan. Setelah tipis, potong adonan sampai berbentuk untaian mi. Taburi dengan tepung tapioka agar tak lengket.
2. Minyak ayam: Panaskan minyak ayam, kemudian goreng kulit dan lemak ayam. Masak sampai minyak ayam keluar dan kulit menjadi kering. Setelah agak kering, masukkan bawang putih dan bahan-bahan lainnya ke dalam gorengan kulit. Masak sekitar 15 menit dengan api kecil. Angkat kulitnya, dan sisihkan minyaknya.

 3. Kaldu: Masukkan semua bahan ke dalam panci. Rebus semua bahan ini dengan api sedang minimal dua jam. Setelah matang, saring kaldu.
4. Tumis ayam: Cincang daging ayam sampai agak halus.Kemudian tumis jahe, bawang putih dan daun bawang sampai kecoklatan. Masukkan daging ayam, lada, penyedap,garam,kecap manis, kecap asin ke dalam tumisan. Masukkan air dan masak sampai bumbu meresap dan daging empuk.
5. Penyajian: Di dalam mangkuk, beri kecap asin, vetsin, lada, dan minyak ayam secukupnya. Kemudian masukkan mie yang sudah direbus bersama sawi dan toge. Aduk rata. Siramkan kuah kaldu, dan tambahkan tumisan ayam dan pangsit di atasnya.

comment : jadi enak na makan mie AYAM buatan sndri ataupun beli